Thursday, January 20, 2011

I know who I am, so who do you think you are?

Just a little clarification, I did not start this blog to bash, degrade or demean the IFB churches. I started this blog to convey my views and opinions of the movement and churches that I grew up in. Everything I say here, I saw and or heard with my own eyes. While I will not mention names of pastors, preachers, or churches, it is my right to talk about whatever I want and to express my thoughts on certain matters and issues. I know there are a few IFB churches, preachers, and pastors who are striving to pull away from those who give the others a bad name. However, it is these churches that are changing things that are being singled out as not longer being in the Will of God.

You the reader have every right not to agree with everything I say, think, or feel, as I probably would not agree with you on a lot, but we as Christians and adults should be able to agree to disagree. I am finding out that there are more Christians out there who prefer to judge and try to guilt me into changing my beliefs, all I can say to that is, how pathetic. When we have to resort to guild and harsh judgmental comments, what kind of Christian are we portraying? If you do not like what I am saying, then by all means, quit reading. I can promise I will not miss you. But let's be honest, you are going to keep reading just out of plain old curiosity.

I have received more feedback that is positive, since I started this blog, then negative. The thing I find sad is that some that are in agreement with me, are afraid to say so publicly because of the ridicule that would receive. Now what does that say for the IFB movement, when people cannot express their views that question the fundamental teachings? For as long as I can remember the preaching and teaching of the IFB has been, do as I say, not as I do, and do not question.

Some have accused me of being bitter towards the IFB movement, churches, preachers, and pastors, and while I admit there was a time when I was bitter, I have long since put that behind me. I no longer blame they for anything; I now pity them for their lack of true Christianity. We are supposed to be Christ-like. However, what I see coming out of the IFB's is far from being in the image of Christ. When judgment and ridicule spew forth rather than care and compassion I think, better yet, I know there is something wrong.

As I have said before, God gave man free will; therefore, everyone is able to make decisions on his or her own. No one is forced to do, think, or feel a certain way. No one should try to force their beliefs or convictions on another, those are decisions that people should make for themselves. As for thos of you who seem to want to judge and condemn me for decisions I have made, I can assure you at judgment day, you will not be held accountable for the choices I have made, so stop trying to change my beliefs, or guilt me into some sore of repentance; I am firm in my beliefs and convictions, so this will never happen.

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