Monday, January 17, 2011

If the shoe fits...

Just a few definitions of a cult:

According to

a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies

According to

a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad

I spent the majority of my life in Independent, Fundamental, Premillenial, King James 1611, Missionary, Baptist Churches. In my lifetime I have often heard those churches that I grew up in, referred to as cults. As a child and teenager, I never really thought that the term 'cult' fit the churches that I knew. Now as an adult looking back I can see where people could get that idea.

Many of you know as well as I do that the first definition, a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies, does sound pretty familiar when you think about it. Rites and Ceremonies, how many churches do you know that have a particular format for worship:

1. One song

2. Pastor welcomes everyone

3. Choir sings 3-4 songs

4. Prayer and offering

5. Choir comes down and everyone shakes hands

6. Someone sings a special song (or in some churches 3-5)

7. Pastor preaches

8. Invitational Song

9. Dismissal

This format is basically the same in all the churches that I attended, and if for some reason the format gets changed then they act like it is the end of the world. If we feel we have to have everything so scheduled out, then were do we leave time for something special that God may have in store? Then you have the competitions, why did they get to sing and I didn't, why didn't I get asked to pray, why are they always the ones who get to take up the offering? Then there are the churches that preach and teach the Church Covenant as if it were the Ten Commandments. Most of the pastors and preachers I know have a hard enough time abiding by the Ten Commandments, little own the Church Covenant.

The second definition, great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad. My interest in this definition is, the great devotion to a person, I could name so many names here of pastors and preachers that people have put into almost God like roles. They believe everything these men say as if it were God himself in person talking, not God speaking through just a man that he has called to be his mouth piece. There are some of these preachers and pastor's that have taken advantage of this admiration. They now preach their convictions and beliefs as gospel, when the majority of those convictions and beliefs have no Biblical foundation. Convictions are something that differ based on individuals. My convictions may not be the same as yours, but they are convictions non the less. Convictions are not something that you can try to push on others, however, I know hundreds of preachers and pastors that do just that. Here are some of the ones that I can remember that have come and gone like fads:

1. You shouldn't drink anything with caffeine because it is a stimulant.

2. You shouldn't own or watch a TV because you are just inviting the devil into your home.

3. The Internet is evil and is like bringing free pornography for your family to view.

How many preachers do you know, that at one time or another preached and taught any of these 3, that now drink caffeine, own at least 1 (probably multiple) TVs possibly now have their own TV shows, and now have their own websites, blogs, and FaceBook pages. While I feel that there is nothing wrong with caffeine, TVs, or the Internet, I still find it funny how what some preachers and pastors preached against so adamantly a few years ago is now somehow OK.


  1. Hello sister, I want to say first that your dad was one of my heroes. He had a wonderful spirit about him and I got fed with something fresh every time he preached. Just to give you a little background, I was raised Southern Baptist and I have 2 other brothers that are preachers and a brother-in-law as well that pastors. I have seen both sides of this fence and have tried to remain balanced. By no means is my loyalty to a movement or just a few select men. There are men that I enjoy and support and at the same time may not agree with every jot and tittle they believe but I wouldnt quench the Holy Spirit. I want to please the LORD first and foremost and stay as close to that bible as I can. I want to keep a tender heart towards the lost but still proclaim the truth without compromise. Folks attitude is what turns people away...You surely have seen that there are some that go overboard...not just with IFB but across the board. Bro. Lawson was my pastor for many years and I learned so much from him as to dealing with this issue. God has been so merciful to me and although I belong to an IFB church, they didnt save me and they dont keep me. I'm a baptist by conviction and don't apologize for that, but I am a child of the King first. I'm not contemporary at all and have seen the fruit of that movement as well...the comments as to your video upload, I don't think that's what your about either but thats the kind that it draws. John 8:32..." and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.." The truth has a ring to it. I do know many times it's not what is coming out of many of our IFB churches but like so many times I heard your dad preach, it was ringing loud and clear. I do pray the very best for you and may God help us all to be more;..more like Jesus. God bless.

  2. Mr. Earl,
    I am sorry to say that I do not remember you, but want to thank you for reading. In your comment it is almost as if you are accusing me of trying to quench the Holy Spirit. This is by no means what I am doing. I am just bringing to light some of the many things I have seen, and lived through in my life. I am glad that you admired my father so much; his life and ministry touched the lives of many.

    I am glad that you know who you are and what you believe, as do I. I have chosen to take a different path then most people who grew up in the same movement. I do not judge those who remain in the IFB movement, or churches, that is their decision to make. If they know, who they are and what they believe because of their own beliefs and convictions, that is great. However, if they believe only because it is what they are taught and preached then I feel they do not truly know anything for themselves.

    I am afraid I do not understand your statement: “the comments as to your video upload, I don't think that's what your about either but thats the kind that it draws” or what you mean by it.

  3. Sister Bailey,

    No I wasn't accusing you sister, was just saying that I can worship and fellowship with them even though we have some differences. But our differences are minor and not any of the essential doctrines of scripture. I know very well what you are conveying and I agree it is sickening to see this attitude that persist among some. I don't ever want that to be said about me or my family. I do know that many will disagree with the truth from time to time but they will have to take that up with the LORD. I want keep the right attitude, preach the truth as it is to men as they are and above all honour Him. Comment about video upload, refered to some of the replies you received. I don't think your about some of the language and attitudes portrayed. Personally, that kind of music does nothing for my spirit. Music doesn't have to be a drag but nothing excites me more than to hear a bunch of rescued sinners sing out..." I Know My Name Is There!!" I just try to walk in the Spirit and in that blessed book and keep myself unspotted from the world. I have so far to go and there aint' a one of us that doesn't have a past...but Thank God that's where it is...the past! Will pray many blessings for you. Hope your mother and brother are doing well.. God bless you all!!

  4. Mr. Earl,

    Thank you for clarifying some of your original post. I too can still worship and fellowship with those who still remain in the IFB movement and churches, as do the majority of my family. We can just agree to disagree on many points.

    As for your statement on the comments of my video, I am still not sure what you mean. There are no comments on my blog regarding the video. If the comments you are referring to are on the YouTube site, then I must say that I do not know those people, I only added the video because that is one of my favorite songs. I in no way claim affiliation with anyone that comments on that site.

    I pray that God will bless you, your family and your ministry as you seek to serve Him.

  5. Hi there.
    You don't know me from Adam's housecat, but I, too, am one of the scarred survivors of an independent, fundamentalist, premillenial, KJV, Baptist church. It bothered me from the time I was old enough to start questioning why things had to be the way they were.
    Escaping it nearly killed me.
    Even now, in my darkness hours, it can creep back into my psyche to terrify me with horrific potentialities.
    I loved the people of the church I grew up in, but I learned to loathe the leadership and then, effectively, the church itself. Now, I worship in my heart, although I'm always on the watch for a Christian. They show up now and then, few and far between.
    Thank you for telling truth about these cults, for that IS what they are.
    Judy "Survivor"

  6. Judy "Survivor,

    I want to thank you for reading and for the positive input. I feel so sorry for many of the people in the IFB churches, that are just mindless minions, who do, say and act the just the way they are taught. They are usually taught not to question, if they question then they are doubting their beliefs, which means they are doubting their salvation.

    I am so glad that you were able to see for yourself, the truths behind the charade, and get out. I know only to well how the doom and gloom that we grew up hearing can try to creep back into your mind, and try to pull you back down into that horrible place.

    Just know that there are good Christian people out there, who are happy and excited to be children of the King. For every IFB who wants everyone to be as miserable as they are, there are those who want nothing more then to serve the Lord while on this earth by spreading love and joy, not doom and gloom.

    May God bless you!
