Sunday, January 16, 2011

My,my, my...

Wow!!! I must say that I never in a million years thought this blog would bring as many views as it has had. What I do find funny is that out of all of the views, how few of the viewers have commented as to agree or disagree. I know that there are many of you that will probably never comment on anything I say, but will secretly discuss in your gossip circles how wicked, and immoral I have become. And to those who will do just that allow me to say, unlike my father, "I really do not care what you think, of me, my thoughts, or my actions, or whether you agree or disagree with me on them." While there are certain people who's opinions I respect, I choose to do or say what I want and answer only to God for my thoughts and actions.

As I sit here on this cold Sunday morning, I wonder how many of the millions of people who are getting ready to attend church this morning, are really going for the right reason. Since I grew up in an evangelists house, I personally know thousands of people who attend church because they feel obligated, and because they know that if they do not show up, the next time they step foot in the door and sit in their pew(which by the way if someone else should happen to sit in could possibly cause a world war), their pastor is going to in some round-a-bout way make they feel guilty, like they committed the unpardonable sin by missing a service. Then there is the group that goes just so they can say that they went to church today, and then as soon as it's over call their gossip lines and talk about what so-and-so wore today, or how the message what meant for a specific person who just didn't seem to get it, or how the pastor just doesn't seem to be preaching what they feel is necessary for this time. It's this hypocrisy that has truly turned me against churches like the ones that I grew up in.

Going to church is a privilege, not a job or a chore. It should be something that we look forward to all week, being able to refresh and revive our spirits. Church should be a place of praise and worship, not a place of doom and gloom. In the last 6 years I have had the privilege to attend 2 awesome churches and have finally learned that being a Christian can be a wonderful experience. I am so thankful that God led us to the church where we are now, I absolutely LOVE my pastor and his wife, as well as my church family!!! If you can't say that you love going to church for the right reasons, not because of a feeling of obligation, and love your pastor and church family as if they truly are your family, then I think it's time you start looking for a new place to worship.


  1. This is very good Becca. I am a follower now. Also its so ironic I've been laying here this morning thinking of how much I want to be apart of a loving caring church. I really miss that. Love you and your family.
